Summer in the City.  It’s summer and the weather is perfect for lounging on the beach with something great to read.  This week, I’m getting ready for some serious down time but still don’t know what books to take with me.  So, I’ve invited some of my favorite authors to come by and maybe they can help us ALL put our summer reading list together.  It’s hot outside, so let’s take a refreshing dip in the LITERARY pool this week. 

Mob Rules.  First up, we’ve got former Mafioso Lou Ferrante who writes about the life of a mob soldier in  Unlocked:  The Life and Crimes of a Mafia Insider; and about how businessmen can learn lessons in doing business from the Mob in his new book, Mob Rules: What the Mafia Can Teach the Legitimate Businessman.  Hmmmmm… 

To Listen:

Also available as a podcast and on iTunes

Devils and Saints.  My next guest, Burl Barer, writes on his blog that he’s an Edgar Award winning author, an investigative journalist, a famous broadcaster and television star and well known in movie theaters worldwide–because he puts his feet on the seat in front of him.   All true!

What impresses me particularly is that he writes both fiction and non-fiction; his books have been translated into seven languages; and he’s a NY Times best seller.   He’s a recurring guest here on Crime Prevention 101 (kinda like a rash), but we always love having him on the show because we never know what he’s going to do or say.  He’s also co-host of a true crime radio show, True Crime Uncensored, on OutlawRadio.  Make sure to check out this insanity!

Written in Blood.  Next I put some estrogen into the mix.  Diane Fanning has written 10 true crime books, her latest the the best-selling MOMMY’S LITTLE GIRL about the Caylee Anthony murder case going on right now in Orlando, FL.  She’s also written five mystery novels, including the very popular Lucinda Pierce series, and she’s been featured on every major TV show there is including 48 Hours and 20/20.  I’m totally jealous and totally a fan.

Personal Safety Product.  Got some tips about using wristbands on your young kids if you’re traveling on vacation or simply going to amusement parks or other entertainment spots.

SPECIAL OFFER FOR CRIME PREVENTION 101 LISTENERS:  Our friends at DoorDevil have extended a special offer for you.  If you’re in a stalking situation or a domestic violence situation; if your home has been broken into recently or whatever the reason you might have need of a really secure lock for your door, send your story to and the folks at DoorDevil will send you a free lock. 

Show Resources:

Lou Ferrante:

Burl Barer:; True Crime Uncensored Radio Show:

Dianne Fanning:; Writing is a Crime Blog:

COFFIN (College of Felony and Intrigue) Online Crime Writing School):

Polly Klaas Foundation –  free Child Safety Kit — How to Teach Abduction Prevention Without scaring Your Child or Yourself

Sources for Wristbands: