squiggy[1]This week’s show is a little change of pace.  First up, I’ve got a really entertaining guest for you, former NYPD cop Ralph Squillante (a/k/a Squiggy), who became an award-winning actor by playing the bad guys oh, so good.  He’s hysterically funny, totally honest about his associations with the wise guys and he’s got real insight into what makes those bad guys bad!   And make sure you check out his YouTube sensation The Squiggy Chronicles

 Next, I’ll be talking with … ME!!!!  I’ve got crime updates for you, great personal safety products you’ll want to know about and lots of crime prevention tips. 

 We’re going to start off the show, as usual, with our Crime Prevention 101 True Crime Report, featuring Tricia Griffiths from Websleuths.com, who’s going to tell us what cases people are talking about this week on the Forums.

 And, last but not least, we’ve got our “Let’s Catch a Criminal” segment where I feature a different US Crime Stoppers group each week and maybe we can help them catch a bad guy.  Tonight, I’ll be speaking with Darlene Cusanza, Executive Director of the Greater New Orleans Crime Stoppers, and we’ll find out about the tremendous job they’re doing after Hurricane Katrina and what the crime landscape is down there these days.[/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]